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Amnesty International
This powerful 45 second TVC is the result of a collaboration between Melbourne post house MRPPP, our Technical Director Jamie T. Bentley (during his tenure as Head of 3D at MRPPP) and Rubidium Wu of Exit Films. This was produced...
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Nextgen Reality Pty. Ltd.
328 Scottsdale Drive, Robina
Queensland, 4226, Australia
P: +61 7 5502 1132
Contact Us

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"...continually pushing the boundaries of what is possible..."
- Paul Gloster
Emerald Lakes Kiosk

Located on-site at the Emerald Lakes showroom & Café, this Touchscreen system is where functionality and eloquence meet. NextGen Reality was commissioned to produced the system to compliment the abilities of the complex web-based system already in place. The touchscreen kiosk allows the seamless playback of High Definition video, while overlaying several 'hot spot' features which can be activated at any time with the touch of a finger. In addition, a complete floor plate/plan system is in place, with several information slates & interactive 360 degree panoramic views from selected heights.

Emerald Lakes is an inspired, one billion dollar project in the centre of Queensland's Gold Coast.
Decades of combined expertise have gone into the realisation of this development, and now, the vision of a premier coastal community where business, leisure and luxurious living combine is a reality.
Brought to you by the property experts at Nifsan, Emerald Lakes represents a new era in exclusive Gold Coast living, providing an unparalleled platform for business and a social hub for residents and the surrounding community.
It's all here, in the centre of the Gold Coast. For more information please visit EmeraldLakes.com.au. |

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Sales / Marketing Agents Wanted
January 5th, 2008
We're looking for motivated, self-driven, enthusastic marketing people located in all parts of the world.
Unannounced Feature Film Teaser Completion
Decemember 15, 2008

Completed work on an unannounced Feature Film's CG teaser. Click the image above for a look at a select few images. We hope to have approval to showcase the entire teaser soon..
Feature Film project
October 22, 2008
Visual effect shots produced for unannounced feature film.
'Sculpt Studio' technology demo
September 3, 2008

Completed work on our new advanced lighting setups for interior renders, providing an even greater level of realism for our clients - take a look at our sample 'Sculptor's Studio' renders by clicking on the image above.
Pinot Grigio Cinema promotion
August 28, 2008
Visual effect shot completed for National cinema campaign.
Mirtna Capital promo
August 14, 2008
Agent: Pro Motion. Campaign launch for investment group Mirtna Capital.
Raptis wins 2008 UDIA marketing award
June 27, 2008

Congratulations to the Raptis Group for winning the 2008 UDIA award for marketing excellence for the Gold Coast Hilton. We are pleased to have been involved in such an innovative and prestigious project and look forward to producing more award-winning world class marketing materials with them in the future.
HighStreet at Hilton announced
June 15, 2008

High Street at Hilton opens for leasing opportunities. NextGen Reality's CG fly-through released showcasing the development's amazing facilties.